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  • About the program
  • 海外暑期实习项目是什么
  • 海外暑期实习项目由涌金集团和国金证券联合举办,是连接涌金&国金和全球顶尖学府的公益项目,每年暑假,我们面向海外高校的优秀同学,提供实习机会,帮助海外同学体验国内文化,加深对金融市场和金融业务的认知。

    The overseas summer internship program is jointly organized by Yongjin Group and Sinolink Securities, a public benefit program for global top universities. Every summer we provide outstanding students from overseas universities with internship opportunities, as well as an exceptional experience of Chinese culture and financial market.
  • What’s special about the program?
  • 海外暑期实习项目有什么优势?
  • 1. 贴近前沿实战,直接参与金融市场的实际工作,通过10周系统、专业的体验和学习,独立完成专题研究;
    2. 表现优异的实习生,在未来求职时可获得涌金集团管培生面试绿色通道;
    3. 来回机票、全程住宿、实习津贴,还有更多部门福利等你来解锁!
1. 10-week systematic experience of frontier practice in the financial market, participation of real-world issues
2. A green channel to Management Trainee Recruitment Program will be granted to interns with excellent performance
3. Round-trip air tickets, full accommodation, internship allowance, and more benefits to unlock!
  • Who are we looking for?
  • 我们期望什么样的人才?

Overseas students in top universities (no restriction on nationality) with strong ability in Mandarin, written and verbal both; a good understanding of Chinese industry or market will be a plus.
  • Exploration
  • 漂洋过海来实习
海外暑期实习项目从 2016年启动至今,吸引了来自哈佛、耶鲁、MIT、加州伯克利、UCLA等高校优秀同学加入,有的小伙伴第一次来到中国,中国的文化、美食和高速发展的金融市场让他们印象深刻,也有很多出国留学的小伙伴,通过系统、专业的体验和学习,加深了对中国市场的认识和兴趣,同时他们优秀的表现也得到了各个业务部门的认可。漂洋过海来实习,在这里,他们度过了一段属于自己的精彩旅程。
Overseas summer internship programs have attracted a lot of outstanding students from Harvard, Yale, MIT, University of California, Berkeley, and UCLA since 2016. Some of them came to China for the first time and were impressed by Chinese culture, food and tremendous development of the financial market. The others were overseas students, who not only deepened their understanding of finance through this systematic experience but also won praise from the team for their excellent work. Let’s check out how they enjoyed this wonderful experience.
Kelly Zhu
麻省理工大学本科二年级     2017年实习生
加州伯克利大学本科毕业生    2018年实习生
斯坦福大学土木工程研究生一年级    2018年实习生
William Tang
哈佛大学应用数学本科三年级    2018年实习生
Before coming to Sinolink this summer, I had actually interned with a boutique in New York. In there I helped the investment manager to make equity investment decisions. This summer, I wanted to try out a different experience. I wanted to do something that not only would introduce me to finance in China, but also give me a chance to improve my mandarin language skills. Because of this underlying mindset, I ended up entering Sinolink internship program.
If I had to rate this internship experience, I would have to say that Sinolink completely met and surpassed my expectations. Not only were the people just super fabulous to work with, but also be the firm and the level of trust that the firm showed regarding how much responsibility they were willing to give to the interns.
I think that was a really exceptional experience and I just couldn't have asked for more.
Winnie Lu
哈佛大学数学本科二年级    2018年实习生
This summer I worked at Sinolink Securities in equity research department. I was focused on health care and medical sectors. My supervisor made really sure that I was learning; that I wasn't just doing tasks. She is really cool that she had a lot of life lessons to give. Sometimes your language skills might not be completely there but everyone's really supportive, and tries to make sure that you can still do productive work.
Philip Milana
哈佛大学本科三年级    2019年实习生
Specifically I worked on the renewable energies and looked at general trends in the automotive industry and the company. I had written two research papers throughout the two months here. I met the most people are freshmen or sophomores and I think it's important to take advantage of the resources that are there and really ask questions.
William Wu
哈佛大学本科二年级    2019年实习生
Everyone in Sinolink Securities is really friendly and they really take care of you give you a lot of guidance. One of the highlights of this trip is the annual new employee outing that we had in July. I was able to interact with people similar to my age group but scattering in different departments in this company, and learn about what their experiences like, what is it like to grow up in China and the daily life of other people.